5900 CANAL ST.
Call for All Artists and Project Management
This famous artwork was originally created at 5900 Canal Street, Houston in 1973 during the Chicano Art Movement by Muralist, Leo Tanguma.
LUX Art was engaged by Kirksey Architecture to work with Harris County Engineering Department on this long awaited public project that had been on the boards for approximately 15 years. The goal was to reinvigorate the mural celebrating Hispanic culture. Tanguma was unable to re-paint the mural himself, so he was retained as an advisor on the project. LUX worked closely with the county to structure a call for artists. Ultimately, Gonzo247 (aka: Mario Figueroa, Jr.) was selected for the project. Figueroa, a resident of the East Houston neighborhood where the mural is, was a perfect fit for the job. He had grown up with this mural and it was one of the things that influenced him to become an artist. Gonzo traveled to Denver to study with Tanguma for 3 days, then spent 3 months recreating a 28’ foot long scale drawing of the mural – then another 6 months projecting a grid onto the wall, drawing and painting the mural. Engaging a large committee including the county, the architects, community advocacy and both artists, LUX was able to gain consensus and move the project ahead to completion, then successfully celebrate the great work at a community unveiling.